Carl Binette Aéroénergie

*Presentation in French only

The solar potential on Earth is unlimited, but still underexploited. Québec is one of the best places in the world to take advantage of solar radiation. The need for heat in winter is significant, and the potential of solar preheating is tremendous. One sunny day could generate self-sufficiency for 27 years. According to HEC’s most recent report État de l’énergie au Québec (Québec’s Energy Status), 52% of the energy consumed is lost in the atmosphere. As we are collectively taking the shift towards green solutions, it is important to plan and build efficiently, intelligently and sustainably, while ensuring the successful architectural integration of our buildings. Solar thermal collectors affixed to the exterior envelope of the building or installed as curtain walls can increase energy efficiency. They thus become allies in the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and energy costs while integrating a green signature which allows us to comply with regulations regarding Architectural Implantation and Integration Plans (AIIPs). By integrating the right technologies to buildings, it is possible to capture up to 80% of solar energy and thus increase the ambient temperature by more than 45 degrees Celsius.