ACS THERMAL CLIPS - Vertical Spacing Calculator

This easy-to-use tool allows you to estimate the number of ACS THERMAL CLIPS required for an opaque wall, with no openings, as well as the optimal vertical spacing, taking into account the specific characteristics of your project.

Depth = A+B+C+D/2
A: Clip
B: Sub-Girts(s)
C: Outer Girt
D: Exterior cladding (take center of gravity, typically ½ of depth)

For a depth between two possible entries, consider the longer assembly.


This calculator is provided for information purposes only, and information obtained using this calculator does not constitute, and should not be construed as, advice of any kind. Results may vary depending on the accuracy of the information provided when using this calculator.

It must be noted that due to the complexity of cladding/sub-girt types, laws and regulations, local/national building codes, wind/seismic loads due to building location, shape, and size, the design of the complete wall assembly is outside the scope of this calculator. For specific projects, please consult a cladding specialty engineer independent of ACS and KSEL, and licensed in the provincial/territorial jurisdiction in which the cladding assembly is to be installed.

SOPREMA Inc. makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the results obtained by the calculator or the structural strength of the fastening system, and shall not be liable for any damages arising from the use of this calculator.

Any questions?

For more information, please refer to these guides

ACS Clips - Structural GuideACS Clips - Structural Guide
ACS Clips - Installation GuideACS Clips - Installation Guide

Wall assemblies deeper than 12 inches are not covered by the structural guide data. When wall assemblies are deeper than 12 inches, please consult a structural engineer licensed in the provincial/territorial jurisdiction in which the attachment system would be installed.

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